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Go away,Monday! Shoo shoo~Alright, i'm so freaking scared of Monday :(Wished that Monday won't come so soon :(
Having Meet-The-Parents session tomorrow. Trying to remain positive. Though i think that my Mummy and Daddy will nag at me about my results after that?Some times,don't totally trust other's words because you might end up getting tricked and spun around like a stupid dumb dumb. Suddenly,i realised that i shouldn't had buy your story so easily at the beginning . Guess that i was too naive?I used to think that by treating people nicely,they will be nice to me too. But apparently,reality has proved that it is wrong.Think that i might be losing my smiley face soon?I might look cheerful,always joking and laughing like mad but you will never know what is really happening internally.
My blog is seriously over grown with weeds uh. Its been ages since i last blogged. This is like my first blog entry for this year :OGot back all my MYE papers. Results are mostly shit uh. Wasted a lot of marks due to my stupid carelessness. Carelessness is my fatal killer for examinations ):Mother Tongue intensive started today. It was hell,man. Imagine 130 plus students and most of the Chinese teachers cramming into a lecture theatre,so called one. The Chinese HOD kept on talking non-stop at the speed of a bullet train and the theatre was damn filled with noise. Gave me a huge headache. Kinda of find it hard to believe that i will be taking my O Level Mother Tongue paper at the end of this month. Hope that i would be able to get an A1 for it (:I really really really need to buck up on my studies. I can't afford to fail my Os.Gonna need to push myself. Just pray hard that all the flu buggys and illnesses will not come to me. But i doubt that it will ever happen uh. I'm always sick easily ):Kind of getting irritated by my ulcer now. It hurts like freaking hell,man.I'm in love with kite flying now (:Hahas. There are times when i just feel empty inside. I feel that at times,i'm a burden to people,especially to my Kor Kors. Maybe i'm indeed one uh....................................................
 As 2009 comes to an end,i would like to thank all my friends,buddies and godbrothers for always being there for me.And making this year such a fun and crazy year.I won't forget the times that we shared together.Love you guys (: Had been through a lot of things this year.Think that its somewhat like a roller-coaster ride.Had my share of ups and downs this year.Thanks to all my friends and close ones for being there for me always :D Next year,isn't gonna be an easy year.Will be busy with my preparation for O Level.I really gonna have to work really really really hard next year.Really gonna miss those happy moments that we shared together.And hope that we will still stay as close as we are now.
My 2010 New Year Resolutions
To grow taller :DDDDDDDDDD Do well in my studies Get L1R4 of 17 or below for O Level Do well in O Level Do well in Mathematics To remain happy :D ---------------------------------------------------
Wishing everyone a Happy New Year :D
Was super restless in class yesterday.No idea why though.Had AME test,was able to do it though my answer for the last question seems weird weird though.Had fire drill exercise,it was like freaking bloody burning hot.Standing in the field for ages under the freaking bloody hot sun.I kept seeking shelter under the tall people.Hahas.Struggled to keep awake throughout the rest of the lessons.It was hard though especially since there was the cosy bolster to sleep on.Managed to shift most of my books and files home already except Chinese textbook and workbook that's rotting under my school table,English file and Chemistry ten years series book.Met up with Wei Le Kor Kor to collect my belated birthday present from him.Lim Yi was with Kor Kor when i reached there.Chatted with them for awhile then bus-ed home while struggling to carry the huge present home.The present was like kinda of bigger than me?The scene looks weird though.Lolx.Spend the whole afternoon studying SS today.Tried to squeeze all the information into my lil' brainy.Have to continue my revision for EOY tomorrow.I have to study like 10 chapters for Physics paper.Total goner sehh.Really have to concentrate for my revision for EOY.Happy Birthday to Jia Jing :DReally a big thank you to everyone for all the presents and well-wishes :)

Great,i'm sick again.I'm having a really bad cough and sore throat,on and off fever and flu ): It really sucks to be sick especially since i have just received my Guides' cookies this week and they are out of my reach as i'm sick.Gotten back my Physics practice exam result today.I failed it badly )": Well,it was sort of expected? I guess? Cause the questions were bloody difficult and my brainy wasn't able to function well due to the flu that was causing me to built a tissue mountain.I have a huge pile of homework that i have to complete over the weekend.Looks like i'm stucked at home tomorrow to clear my huge pile of homework when its like my birthday tomorrow.I'm really sick of getting sick all the time la.And thanks Adelle for helping me just now :D
Happy Birthday to Cedric Toh :D
I'm really having a hard time trying to be able to meet the demands for everything...
Surprisingly,i managed to be able to read the Chinese oral passage without much difficulty.Except that i pronounced 1 word wrongly.It was like so stress in front of the examiner and the weather was torturing us.All of us were sweating like hell while having our oral.Gotten back by oral result this week.Managed to gt 33 for it.It was way better then i had expected it to be.I'm suppose to be doing my project now but i'm too lazy.Had totally glued myself to lappy on Tuesday night trying to rush out Geography project with Jia Jing.Apparently there was some problems with it and Mrs Lim wasn't able to open it so ended up we had to re-submit another one.School was ok yesterday.Had 2 free periods as Mr Ang wasn't around.Spend some time on reading My Sister's Keeper and slept for awhile.Had class test during Physics lesson.We had been having class test on every Physics lessons ever since school re-opened.Its totally insane,man.Spend the last 2 periods of the day watching videos on Jun Hao's phone with Belsher,Jun Hao,Xiu Ping,Jia Jing and Kelly.The videos were on a Korean show with Super Junior as the contestants.They had play all sorts of games.The show was totally hilarious.Guides' meeting was ok.Except that the rain spoiled the fun.Wasn't able to play our games.It had been ages since we last played games.Me and Syaz got chased around once Guides' meeting was over as the Guides wanted to give us a birthday bash.My hands were left with a lot of red marks due to all that tugging from them ):The marks are gone now.But its ok.Once a year,i still can take it.Hahas.Ah Poon,i knew that you would do it.It was written all over your face.Lolx.A big thank you though.Hahas.And really a big thank you to Fariq,Afiq and Muhammad for the early birthday present :DThough the scenario was totally weird.Hahas.After that,bus-ed home with Syaz.Happy Belated Birthday to Syaz :D Happy Birthday to Jun Hao,Wei Min,Cedric,Ayuni,Brigita,Xiong Yao and lastly myself in advance :D
7 more days :D
Girl Guider
Hougang Primary
Serangoon Secondary
Sweet Fourteen Fifteen (:
2609 tat's her big day
Guiding is her passion
Lurves her Eeyore and CJ7 (:
Desires (:
New hp
New wallet
New clothes
New backpack
New flip-flops
More Eeyore stuffs (:
More cash
To grow taller
To pass all subjects during Common Test [1]
To pass E-Maths
My birthday-2609'09 (:
Go away,Monday! Shoo shoo~Alright, i'm so freaking scared of Monday :(Wished that Monday won't come so soon :(
Having Meet-The-Parents session tomorrow. Trying to remain positive. Though i think that my Mummy and Daddy will nag at me about my results after that?Some times,don't totally trust other's words because you might end up getting tricked and spun around like a stupid dumb dumb. Suddenly,i realised that i shouldn't had buy your story so easily at the beginning . Guess that i was too naive?I used to think that by treating people nicely,they will be nice to me too. But apparently,reality has proved that it is wrong.Think that i might be losing my smiley face soon?I might look cheerful,always joking and laughing like mad but you will never know what is really happening internally.
My blog is seriously over grown with weeds uh. Its been ages since i last blogged. This is like my first blog entry for this year :OGot back all my MYE papers. Results are mostly shit uh. Wasted a lot of marks due to my stupid carelessness. Carelessness is my fatal killer for examinations ):Mother Tongue intensive started today. It was hell,man. Imagine 130 plus students and most of the Chinese teachers cramming into a lecture theatre,so called one. The Chinese HOD kept on talking non-stop at the speed of a bullet train and the theatre was damn filled with noise. Gave me a huge headache. Kinda of find it hard to believe that i will be taking my O Level Mother Tongue paper at the end of this month. Hope that i would be able to get an A1 for it (:I really really really need to buck up on my studies. I can't afford to fail my Os.Gonna need to push myself. Just pray hard that all the flu buggys and illnesses will not come to me. But i doubt that it will ever happen uh. I'm always sick easily ):Kind of getting irritated by my ulcer now. It hurts like freaking hell,man.I'm in love with kite flying now (:Hahas. There are times when i just feel empty inside. I feel that at times,i'm a burden to people,especially to my Kor Kors. Maybe i'm indeed one uh....................................................
 As 2009 comes to an end,i would like to thank all my friends,buddies and godbrothers for always being there for me.And making this year such a fun and crazy year.I won't forget the times that we shared together.Love you guys (: Had been through a lot of things this year.Think that its somewhat like a roller-coaster ride.Had my share of ups and downs this year.Thanks to all my friends and close ones for being there for me always :D Next year,isn't gonna be an easy year.Will be busy with my preparation for O Level.I really gonna have to work really really really hard next year.Really gonna miss those happy moments that we shared together.And hope that we will still stay as close as we are now.
My 2010 New Year Resolutions
To grow taller :DDDDDDDDDD Do well in my studies Get L1R4 of 17 or below for O Level Do well in O Level Do well in Mathematics To remain happy :D ---------------------------------------------------
Wishing everyone a Happy New Year :D
Was super restless in class yesterday.No idea why though.Had AME test,was able to do it though my answer for the last question seems weird weird though.Had fire drill exercise,it was like freaking bloody burning hot.Standing in the field for ages under the freaking bloody hot sun.I kept seeking shelter under the tall people.Hahas.Struggled to keep awake throughout the rest of the lessons.It was hard though especially since there was the cosy bolster to sleep on.Managed to shift most of my books and files home already except Chinese textbook and workbook that's rotting under my school table,English file and Chemistry ten years series book.Met up with Wei Le Kor Kor to collect my belated birthday present from him.Lim Yi was with Kor Kor when i reached there.Chatted with them for awhile then bus-ed home while struggling to carry the huge present home.The present was like kinda of bigger than me?The scene looks weird though.Lolx.Spend the whole afternoon studying SS today.Tried to squeeze all the information into my lil' brainy.Have to continue my revision for EOY tomorrow.I have to study like 10 chapters for Physics paper.Total goner sehh.Really have to concentrate for my revision for EOY.Happy Birthday to Jia Jing :DReally a big thank you to everyone for all the presents and well-wishes :)

Great,i'm sick again.I'm having a really bad cough and sore throat,on and off fever and flu ): It really sucks to be sick especially since i have just received my Guides' cookies this week and they are out of my reach as i'm sick.Gotten back my Physics practice exam result today.I failed it badly )": Well,it was sort of expected? I guess? Cause the questions were bloody difficult and my brainy wasn't able to function well due to the flu that was causing me to built a tissue mountain.I have a huge pile of homework that i have to complete over the weekend.Looks like i'm stucked at home tomorrow to clear my huge pile of homework when its like my birthday tomorrow.I'm really sick of getting sick all the time la.And thanks Adelle for helping me just now :D
Happy Birthday to Cedric Toh :D
I'm really having a hard time trying to be able to meet the demands for everything...
Surprisingly,i managed to be able to read the Chinese oral passage without much difficulty.Except that i pronounced 1 word wrongly.It was like so stress in front of the examiner and the weather was torturing us.All of us were sweating like hell while having our oral.Gotten back by oral result this week.Managed to gt 33 for it.It was way better then i had expected it to be.I'm suppose to be doing my project now but i'm too lazy.Had totally glued myself to lappy on Tuesday night trying to rush out Geography project with Jia Jing.Apparently there was some problems with it and Mrs Lim wasn't able to open it so ended up we had to re-submit another one.School was ok yesterday.Had 2 free periods as Mr Ang wasn't around.Spend some time on reading My Sister's Keeper and slept for awhile.Had class test during Physics lesson.We had been having class test on every Physics lessons ever since school re-opened.Its totally insane,man.Spend the last 2 periods of the day watching videos on Jun Hao's phone with Belsher,Jun Hao,Xiu Ping,Jia Jing and Kelly.The videos were on a Korean show with Super Junior as the contestants.They had play all sorts of games.The show was totally hilarious.Guides' meeting was ok.Except that the rain spoiled the fun.Wasn't able to play our games.It had been ages since we last played games.Me and Syaz got chased around once Guides' meeting was over as the Guides wanted to give us a birthday bash.My hands were left with a lot of red marks due to all that tugging from them ):The marks are gone now.But its ok.Once a year,i still can take it.Hahas.Ah Poon,i knew that you would do it.It was written all over your face.Lolx.A big thank you though.Hahas.And really a big thank you to Fariq,Afiq and Muhammad for the early birthday present :DThough the scenario was totally weird.Hahas.After that,bus-ed home with Syaz.Happy Belated Birthday to Syaz :D Happy Birthday to Jun Hao,Wei Min,Cedric,Ayuni,Brigita,Xiong Yao and lastly myself in advance :D
7 more days :D